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Grand Master In Nemesis Dreadknight

hamtilatool1985 2020. 2. 16. 02:25

Dreadnought-Dreadknight conversions are always great, and this is beautifully painted. Can people please stop using that armour plate with the names of wars listed on it though? It only makes sense for the chapter that was actually present in all of those wars! The Grey Knights sure weren't. Home / Warhammer 40K / Grey Knights / GREY KNIGHTS GRAND MASTER VOLDUS GREY KNIGHTS GRAND MASTER VOLDUS.


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40k Nemesis

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10x kustum shootaMeganobz 10x, 20 PL, 350pts 9x meganobz 1x boss meganobz. 10x power klaw. 10x kustum shoota​ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Orks) 37 PL, 824pts Clan Kultur: Bad Moons​+ HQ +Big Mek W/ Shokk Attack Gun 4 PL, 84pts: Grot Oiler, Shokk Attack Gun, WarlordBig Mek W/ Shokk Attack Gun 4 PL, 80pts: Shokk Attack Gun.