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Stalker Call Of Pripyat Gamedata Folder Size

Code: gamedataatmosfearoptions.inigamedataaxroptions.inigamedataconfigsaitweakssimulationobjects.ltxgamedataconfigsgameplaycharacterdescgeneral.xmlgamedataconfigsmiscdialogmanager.ltxgamedataconfigsatmosfeardefaultsettings.ltxgamedataconfigsbehescape.ltxgamedataconfigsbehgulagjobs.ltxgamedataconfigsbehmarsh.ltxThe idea about increasing and updating patch file is fine for me. If we are satisfied with COC, i will make an ultimate repack and installer, and we are going to Hawaii.Okay, this is message from Bangalore about how the file structure is setup for the release.dbsI think I get what you are trying to do, and this make sense. Yes, the vanilla coc textures are being loaded into memory and then the patches and gamedata are being loaded into memory too.

  1. Stalker Call Of Pripyat Walkthrough

Maybe this is cause of Out Of Memory handle since you are basically loading all textures twice over.So what you want to do, is unpack meshes/textures/shaders. Then put onto AN3, OWR3 and whatever else you using. Put only these folders into gamedata within the xrCompress and run the.bat.

Just rename them resource.db. Code: converter.exe -pack -xdb -out resource.db gamedataWhen I then put that resource.db file in the resource/ directory, I get the following crash early in the startup sequence, pre-menu:. I've tried renaming it to resource.db6, putting it in the patches directory, etc. All attempts fail with a similar exception.

There's no clash with files that are supposed to go into gamedata/ since all the packed db file contains is a textures/ folder and texture files.I'd like to be able to keep baseline mods I use with CoC in separate db files so that I can use different weapons packs, etc., without having to continually reinstall those mods. What's the best way to go about this? Code: converter.exe -pack -xdb -out resource.db gamedataWhen I then put that resource.db file in the resource/ directory, I get the following crash early in the startup sequence, pre-menu:. I've tried renaming it to resource.db6, putting it in the patches directory, etc. All attempts fail with a similar exception. There's no clash with files that are supposed to go into gamedata/ since all the packed db file contains is a textures/ folder and texture files.I'd like to be able to keep baseline mods I use with CoC in separate db files so that I can use different weapons packs, etc., without having to continually reinstall those mods. What's the best way to go about this?The converter does not repack into db.

Look here, you may have missed this thread:You need to use xrCompress that comes with SDK or you can get it from the included download in that thread.Basically xrCompress will compress everything a gamedata directory. So you can just create a new.cmd for your purpose and run the cmd to create a new.db. Look at the other.cmd for examples.


So yeah, game keeps crashing. It seems it has to do with unequipping my exoskeleton but not sure. Would any of this explain it? Running AO with fovswitcher, AtmosFEAR 3, Absolute Nature 3 & MSO.! Renderer doesn't support blender 'effectsshadowworld'.!

Missing ogg-comment, file: d:steamsteamappscommonstalker call of pripyatgamedatasoundsmusicmenu.ogg.Loading objects.! Missing ogg-comment, file: d:steamsteamappscommonstalker call of pripyatgamedatasoundsweaponsizh43izh43shoot.oggLoading models.! Fallback to default bump map: nwmm4magpulguccibump! Fallback to default bump map: nwmm4magpulguccibump#! Fallback to default bump map: rpopaksmak74bump#! Can't find texture 'shokermodwpnm4a1m4a12'!

Can't find texture 'wpnaddonsag36gl'! Fallback to default bump map: wpnfnfalfnfal1bump#! Fallback to default bump map: wpngalil762bump#! Fallback to default bump map: wpngalillowbump#!

Fallback to default bump map: wpngalilstobump#! Fallback to default bump map: wpngaliluppbump#.! Missing ogg-comment, file: d:steamsteamappscommonstalker call of pripyatgamedatasoundsmusicjupiternight.ogg.!

Cannot find saved game #i#:axrfacer: enabled! Cannot find saved game #i#:axrlios: enabled! Cannot find saved game #i#:axreatmedkit: enabled! Cannot find saved game #i#:axrbeh: enabled! Cannot find saved game #i#:axrrndnpcloadout: enabled! Can't find texture 'shokermodwpnsr3msr3m2'.! Unknown command: dumpinfos!

Stalker Call Of Pripyat Walkthrough

Fallback to default bump map: shokermodwpnupgrade01bump#! Fallback to default bump map: shokermodwpnupgrade01bump.! Missing ogg-comment, file: d:steamsteamappscommonstalker call of pripyatgamedatasoundsweaponsnvloop.oggThanks for helping out! Originally posted by:Sorry no one can, not even me, What you have listed is a 'game noteing intself' on its discoveries.What me or anyone else really needs is the crash log info.Involke the crash againOnce you get the CTD and the xray De-bugger popups, leave it aloneopen note pad and click to pasteit should display what happend, past that up here so we all can see.if it says 'STRACK TRACE:' You ran out of memory. I never get a debugger.

It just stops responding, blackscreen etc, gotta terminate it using the task manager.! Cannot find saved game #i#:simdefaultstalkersci211415zhora screw: used medical supplies. win32: free1120588 K, reserved344500 K, committed2729152 K. D3D : textures1939554 K. x-ray: crt heap633497 K, process heap14731 K, game lua54734 K, render8131 K.


x-ray: economy: strings33446 K, smem590629 K! Missing ogg-comment, file: d:steamsteamappscommonstalker call of pripyatgamedatasoundsweaponsnvloop.oggstack trace:0023:0045C1A0 xrEngine.exe, IGameLevel::SoundEventRegisterSo after playing this game fine for 20 hours, it suddenly starts running out of memory as soon as I start a game? Any idea why? How can I fix that, reducing texture quality? This is what I am looking for.FATAL ERRORerrorExpression: wave&&wave-lengtherrorFunction: CSoundRenderSource::LoadWaveerrorFile: E:stalkersourcestrunkxrSoundSoundRenderSourceloader.cpperrorLine: 65errorDescription: Can't open wave file:errorArguments: c:program filessteamsteamappscommonstalker shadow of chernobylgamedatasoundsanomaly2electrablast1.oggstack trace:if it was memory it would look something like thisFATAL ERRORstack trace:or like this.stack trace. So I am gonna first look into what you got and make due a guess.this is for the sound controler in the Xrayengine0023:0045C1A0 xrEngine.exe, IGameLevel::SoundEventRegisterNOw from what I am looking at, I am going to asume that this is more than a game notation.!

Originally posted by:so I am gonna first look into what you got and make due a guess.this is for the sound controler in the Xrayengine0023:0045C1A0 xrEngine.exe, IGameLevel::SoundEventRegisterNOw from what I am looking at, I am going to asume that this is more than a game notation.! Originally posted by:nvloop is already there. Tried switching it out yesterday but didn't help. As I posted, the log mentions stack trace.

Does that mean I should try and fix loading textures so it won't use as much memory?yeah, I try to see if that will help, the mods your useing are high memory use mods. Did you try to increase the size of the page file? If it dosen't get resolved, you may have to eaither load a preivious save, or try some other mod.When you swaped out the exo, what outfit were you changing to?Were you taking it off out right? Or were you putting on something else?Take off the outfit itself and see if you get a CTD, if so paste out right into note pad and see if it tells you something different. If it dose not crash, place on the outfit your were going to switch to and see if that will cause it. If so well do the same again.

Originally posted by:nvloop is already there. Tried switching it out yesterday but didn't help. As I posted, the log mentions stack trace. Does that mean I should try and fix loading textures so it won't use as much memory?yeah, I try to see if that will help, the mods your useing are high memory use mods. Did you try to increase the size of the page file? If it dosen't get resolved, you may have to eaither load a preivious save, or try some other mod.When you swaped out the exo, what outfit were you changing to?Were you taking it off out right?

Or were you putting on something else?Take off the outfit itself and see if you get a CTD, if so paste out right into note pad and see if it tells you something different. If it dose not crash, place on the outfit your were going to switch to and see if that will cause it. If so well do the same again.What do you mean with 'increase the size of the page file'? Also, tried it a bit earlier and seems it only crashes when I unequip it.

If I switch it for another it seems to work. Not sure tho, gotta continue trying. A bit busy irl atm tho.

Ok, the extentions are hidden then, you would have to set your windows explorer's options to show the extentions then. I do not know how to do that with windows 8. I am sorry, I am trying my best here. I it must suck to play this far and now looking at having to dump the mod or change something.If the game says its missing, but you say its in the weapons folder, then it is eaither miss spelled or the extention has been re-named or not set. With out the ability to see the extentions, I can not suggest a re-name of it. Because windows will re-name just the file and do thing.For example, if you re-name nvloop to nvloop.ogg, the hidden extention will not be effected.

So if the hidden extention is bak, then the file will sit as nvloop.ogg.bak.If you figure out how to set the options to show hidden extentions, and you see it say nvloop.bak or nvloop by itself and all the others have extentions, then put in the extention.bak extentionnvloop.bakchange to thisnvloop.oggno extentionnvloopchange tonvloop.oggSo you would need to figure out how to get the extentions to show first.Other than that your looking at starting a new game, but you would have to toss out one of the mods. And see how that works.do you do quick saves? Quick saves do tend to cause problems, mainly if you saved while a lot of things were going on. So when you quick load there is just too much and that could cause a CTD. May want to go to the menu and use name saves, at lest two to cycle through.But it only happend to you by just takeing off the exo outfit, didn't it? If you can display the exo build I can see if it is in there. Find the outfit.ltx file in the mis folder, its found in the config folder.

You use a text editor like note pad to veiw, find the build section exooutfit, it will have a right and left braket. I would need to see all of the info on the exo outfit only.

There I can see if the problem is in there.But I am not sure how far you want to go with this. I keep going if you wish to, unless you feel your done wiith this, and just rather try some other mod.This is fine.